For Los Angeles Area Fire Evacuees:
Five Nights Free including utilities on a Monthly stay of +30 days
50% off Daily or Weekly Rate through February

Visit Our Luxury Resort

70 New Premium Plus sites with additional new clubhouse, pool, spa, bocce, giant dog park, bird estuary, restrooms and showers, laundry, adding to our current store, putting green and all the quality services and amenities already established in our luxury RV resort.

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How to Read Good Sam Directory Ratings


10 / 10 / 10
The first campground rating evaluates completeness and quality of facilities. In this category we rate interior roads, sites, registration area, hookups, recreation, swimming, security, laundry, store and building maintenance.


10 / 10 / 10
The second rating category concerns the cleanliness and physical characteristics of toilets, walls, showers, sinks/counters/mirrors and floor. If a park achieves a full point in each of the above, it receives a star (), indicating exceptionally clean restrooms. Also rated are physical characteristics of restrooms, including interior construction, adequate supplies/odor free, adequate number of facilities, exterior appearance and location in relation to park spaces, and interior appearance.


10 / 10 / 10
This category addresses the park’s setting and site layout, function and identification of signage, overall exterior building maintenance, noise, trash disposal, litter and debris around the grounds and sites, and appearance of grounds, sites and entrance area.

Welcome To Our Resort

Relax, vacation, golf, and enjoy the luxury amenities at our “10” rated RV resort AND have easy access to everything in the San Francisco Bay Area including Silicon Valley, Monterey, Carmel and San Francisco.

Come stay and play with us in the best of all worlds – CVR

Congratulations to Coyote Valley RV Resort selection as Top 30 RV Parks nationwide by Good Sam Club

Congratulations again to Coyote Valley RV Resort selection as a Top 30 RV Park nationwide by Good Sam Club in 2023

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Recognized and top rated by
every RV membership in the world

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happening at or around the Resort.

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round of Golf?

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or Call us at (866) 376-5500